Category Archives: horror


Caffeine is a first-person, Unreal Engine 4-powered horror adventure game about a boy wandering around a seemingly abandoned space station. It’s set in a world where coffee is mined from space, or something, and I remain sceptical of how that silliness will affect the game’s fear-based elements. Developer Dylan Browne describes Caffeine as a “quirky psychological horror adventure game with an atmosphere heavily inspired by games like Condemned, FEAR and Outlast”. He doesn’t explain which brand of coffee he’s been inspired by. Continue reading CAFFEINE

THE CRADLE review – this could become a classic

Cradle [official site] is a bold, imaginative and shocking piece of science fiction that comes to us in the body of a first-person adventure game. Transhumanism, block-based arcade puzzles, time-consuming object hunts and some of the smartest writing in the medium are waiting out on the steppe.  Continue reading THE CRADLE review – this could become a classic


Vast space,somewhere near Jupiter,spaceship that floats and AI in control.Sounds familiar? Some of the movies shown how isolated space can be, and some of AI – ODYSEE 2001’s  HAL 9000 shown grumpiness of computers.Something has gone wrong with the ship’s computer and it seems to have developed a complex. It doesn’t want you to leave. It seems scared.  Continue reading EVENT[0] – TRAPPED ON A SHIP WITH MAD AI