We got our first proper glimpse of Avowed during the Xbox Games Showcase, and while everyone’s attention may have been on a Bethesda-developed space game, Obsidian’s fantasy RPG adventure has all the hallmarks of a fun romp across the Pillars of Eternity world. Will you use your magic powers and competent swordsmanship for good, or will you terrorize the land with evil intent? It may be a while until Elder Scrolls 6, so this is the next best thing, even if it’s not an open-world game. Continue reading Avowed Upcoming Obsidian’s Fantasy RPG coming in 2024
Tag Archives: Adventure
Unravel Two
Fenomenalan nastavak i dokaz da ne morate svaki put izmisljati toplu vodu.Platformer iz 2016 godine je dobio sasvim dostojan nastavak.Izdavac,EA i developer Coldwood, su ovoga puta bacili akcenat na kooperativno igranje. Continue reading Unravel Two
Sea of Solitude
Sea of Solitude je naslov koji je najavljen u februaru 2015 i prati avanture mlade Kay. Grad u kome se radnja odvija je Berlin.Pratimo Kay u njenim pokusajima da kroz putovanje po razrusenom,potopljenom okruzenju i susretima sa bicima koja tu obitavaju, otkrije zasto se i sama pretvorila u cudoviste. Continue reading Sea of Solitude
Subnautica je survival open world igra koja oscilira izmedju prelepog i frustrirajuceg.Slobodno istrazivanje alijenolikog podvodnog okeanskog sveta je potka ovog naslova. Continue reading Subnautica
OXENFREE is on Playstation since may
Oxenfree is still one of my favorite games of the previous couple years. Continue reading OXENFREE is on Playstation since may
Frostpunk – desperate people struggling to maintain the city
Monster Hunter: World
Monster Hunter: World is “targeting a stable 30fps across all platforms,” according to a tweet from a Capcom community manager, which could be taken to mean that the PC version will either be locked to or designed for low framerates. However, the tweet was in response to a question about the console versions, and we’ve confirmed that this statement doesn’t apply to the PC. Continue reading Monster Hunter: World
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch and Wii U video game consoles. The game is a part of The Legend of Zelda series, and follows amnesiac protagonist Link, who awakens from a hundred-year slumber to a mysterious voice that guides him to defeat Calamity Ganon before he can destroy the kingdom of Hyrule. Continue reading The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Indie horror Claire has been given a makeover and was released on PS4 and Vita as a cross-buy title today. The original has been available on Steam since July 2014, where it has garnered positive reviews from PC players. This is a survival horror to its core, pitting its main character against a world where everything seems determined to kill her. Continue reading Claire
Litlle Nightmares
Little Nightmares je pravi hororcic koji stize 28.aprila.Igra se pravi za Xbox,PC i Playstation.A Tarsier Studios i Bandai Namco,timovi zasluzni za kreiranje, su izbacili novi trejler. Continue reading Litlle Nightmares