The Witness New Trailer Reveals New Portion of it’s Beautiful World

Jonathan Blow has released another short trailer for his upcoming open world puzzle adventure game, The Witness.


The new trailer is similar to the last one that was released, which is essentially a screenshot of the game in video form. It allows you to get a good look at the world in motion without using actual gameplay footage. You can check out the trailer/screenshot at the bottom of this article.

Stay tuned for more updates on The Witness as it approaches its January 16th release date, which now that I think about it is only a few short weeks away. If you missed the news a few months ago, The Witness includes around 80-100 hours of puzzles to solve for the average completionist. The game was only originally planned for 8-12 hours of content.

Blow is also looking into a physical release for The Witness following the digital release in January.

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