EA Announces New UFC game

After yesterday’s teaser on Twitter – november 10th 2015 –  by the official account of EA Sports UFC, details have been released for the second edition of the video game franchise.


Rhonda Rousey

The first trailer for the game was posted today by EA and shows off some new game modes as well as setting the target for release as spring 2016.

Included in the trailer was a suggestion that the Ultimate Team mode, a popular trading card-collecting feature in other EA Sports titles, will make its way to the 2016 edition. In titles such as EA’s popular Madden franchise, the mode allows players to earn coins to buy “packs” of trading cards in solo as well as head-to-head challenges. The mode is constantly updated with opportunities for gamers to attempt to recreate classic moments and situations from recent games/events.

A new knockout physics system was also hinted at in the video, a feature that pops up in seemingly every new combat sports video game. New physics engines sometimes contribute to hilarious glitches, such as those that plagued the June 2014 release of the first EA Sports UFC.

Check out the full game trailer above.

For more on the UFC’s upcoming schedule, check out the UFC Rumors section of the site.

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