Armored Warfare

Armored Warfare is an upcoming free-to-play multiplayer online shooter video game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Mail.Ru.



The game will be operated by in North American and Europe, and by Mail.Ru in Russia and Central Asia. The game features tanks from the 1950s through modern day and includes fully destructible environments for both player vs. environment and player vs. player gameplay.Armored Warfare is built on the free-to-play business model with in-game micro transactions available for certain features and upgrades.[2] Armored Warfare will launch into closed beta in Q2 2015 for PC.[In the Early Access 4 phase of Armored Warfare testing, the artillery vehicles will receive a new tool to support their teammates further. Developer Charles Staples explains how they will work in the game.pic4

Artillery has two new special types of rounds designed to support their team in battle: smoke rounds and illumination rounds. These new ammo types can be found in the firepower section of the upgrade trees for artillery vehicles. All artillery vehicles have access to smoke rounds, but only artillery vehicles tier 6 and above have access to illumination rounds. It is important to note that the new artillery special rounds do not activate the counter-battery pings.

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