Outer Wilds

Outer Wilds is a new Kickstarter project involving space exploration and adventures.

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Outer Wilds, the first project to be funded through new investor-oriented initiative Fig, now has a playable alpha. There was actually a playable alpha available long before the Fig campaign, but if you’re keen to contribute to the crowdfunding component of the game but still have reservations, there’s no reason not to try the free alpha.

Sam Roberts had hands-on with an early build of Outer Wilds back in July, noting that the sense of going “beyond my world and breaking new ground” is palpable in the space exploration game.Outer Wilds 3#

With 15 days left in its campaign, Outer Wilds has attracted $101,000 of its $135,000 goal. At this rate – and assuming a huge final push in the campaign’s later days – it’s looking pretty certain the game will be funded. That will depend on individual crowdfunding contributions, though: the investment opportunities were capped at $50,000 late last month.

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