Category Archives: survival

Metro Exodus coming in february

Metro Exodus je treća u nizu Metro igra bazirana na novelama Dmitrija Gluhovskog (Dmitry Glukhovsky).Radnja se nastavlja na dogadjaje iz Metro 2033 i Metro Last Light igara.Ponovo će biti pomešani survival horor elementi u postapokalipticnom okruzenju bivše Ruske Federacije i borićete se kako protiv mutanata,tako i protiv ljudi.

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The Long Dark – coming in april!

Open-world survival naslov – The Long Dark je usao u Steam early access jos 2014 i od tada je dostupan samo ljudima koji su podrzali Kickstarter kampanju.Medjutim, ono na sta se prilicno dugo ceka je story mode koji su autori obecali i tada bi naslov trebalo da bude dostupan svima.Na sajtu developera se pojavilo odbrojavanje i to moze da znaci da je igra spremna. Continue reading The Long Dark – coming in april!


Phoning Home is indie developer ION LANDS love letter to storytelling and boasts a tale that really is worth telling. Players take control of ION, a small robot stranded on an alien world filled with dangerous weather, dangerous monsters, and the remnants of an ancient civilization with secrets long buried. Friends will be met, heartstrings will be pulled, and gamers will be satisfied in this third-person exploration survival experience!Open world exploration can start.

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