Frostpunk – desperate people struggling to maintain the city

Climb or fall.


It is not about the strength of individuals, it is about strength in numbers.

Image result for frostpunk

As the saying above goes, the 11Bit Studios announced  and revealed what kind of game Frostpunk, it’s next title, will be. Whereas in This War of Mine,their previous game, you controlled a shelter of four or five people, in Frostpunk you will govern the last city on Earth.

In very simple terms, Frostpunk is a city-builder. You build and expand a city using the endless expanse of ice around you to turn into steam to power your machines. An example of the kind of city you can build can be seen in the new CGI trailer.

But describing mechanics barely covers half of it, for Frostpunk is a game about the lengths you will go to in order to ensure humanity survives on a frozen world. Just as This War of Mine tested your morality with impossible decisions, so too will Frostpunk – only this time on a societal scale. What will you sacrifice for the greater good?

Or, as senior lead designer Jakub Stokalski said on the phone last week, “What are people capable of when they are pushed to the limits?

“If you look at references for survival in extreme environments, things like Amazon expeditions and crashes of planes in deep mountains where people didn’t have anything to eat and they have to eat something… It gets pretty grim.

“We don’t shy away from that.”

If Frostpunk doesn’t shy away from, presumably, cannibalism, where else dare it go? It adds up to a story and predicament marketing manager Karol Zajaczkowski believes “will tear your heart apart”.

date of release:TBA

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