The Order 1886 is coming in february and developer studio Ready at Dawn has released a new gameplay trailer and you can take a look at this,really have to say, impressive footage.trailer

For those of you not heard of the title,The Order 1886 is an upcoming, narratively driven shooter, set in victorian London – but, what is interesting is alternative history setting in the city itself.Yes,you will be able to notice zeppelins,knights and carriages.But also wirelles communication,new weapons filled with electricity,fragmentation grenades and similar.

So far sounds good and Ready at Dawn is obviously creating universe for DLC’s. Ru Weerasuriya CEO of developer Ready at Dawn and creative director on the game said:

“It was two or three years before we started on this,” Weerasuriya said. “We waited for the right platform. This game could have been made before, but we didn’t want to until the platform was ready.”

As word of the PlayStation 4 hit developers, Weerasuriya said he saw in the upcoming console, a platform that could fully support the team’s vision for the game.

The Order: 1886

“I came to Allan Becker at Sony Santa Monica and said we had something in mind and felt it was the right time to do it,” Weerasuriya said.

In a post in Playstation Blog Weerasuriya said that the game has been in the work since 2010.

Now about the in-game story.The order from the title representing order of knights associated with King Arthur.They are trying to keep the world safe from monsters,half-breeded,combined from animals and humans.In Industrial Revolution era, half-breed continues to win battle after battle.By 1886, the war still goes on, but the humans almost have martial law. A new threat emerges in the form of the lower classes rebelling against the rich and the social order, with the Knights supporting the well-to-do upper classes and nobles. The game features four main protagonists from the same squad, who each has a given name, and the adopted name of one of the original Knights. The oldest is Sebastian Malory, the second to bear the name of Sir Percival, and the descendant of Thomas Malory, who in the 1400s wrote Le Morte d’Arthur, the definitive Arthurian Text. A close friend of Grayson, he is one of the best Knights in the history of the order.Grayson is the third to bear the title of Sir Galahad, and has battled the order’s enemies for centuries. He views Mallory as a mentor, Lafayette as a friend, and Isabeau as a potential flirt interest. Other than that, little is known about him so far. Isabeau D’Argyll is one of the younger Knights in the order, but is much older than her appearance of being in her late twenties. The latest Lady Igraine, Isabeau was Grayson’s apprentice and if not for her commitment to the order, his lover. Marquis de Lafayette was a French military officer who fought in the French and American Revolutions. His tactical expertise brought him to the order’s attention, and Mallory approached him and convinced him to join the order. Although the group’s youngest, his globetrotting has given him a whimsical outlook on life that grounds the squad. As an apprentice, he does not yet bear the name of a Knight.

Interesting stuff about the game is game physics,as well.Gunfight in the kitchen shows us that missed shots occasionally hit hanging pots sending them wildly swinging on their hooks, or popping them into the air.Weerasuriya mentioned the kitchen shootout.

“Playing in the kitchen, with things fly around, that’s in a huge part due to the risks we took on the physics system,” he said.

And of course this isn’t a game driven by its physics. The interplay of items, and their life-like movement provides a impressive backdrop for what’s mean to be the main star of the game: Its story.


The Order, will be released  exclusively for PS4 on Feb. 20, 2015.We sure hope so that it will be made for PC as well.For now Playstation owners will have exclusive opportunity to try out this title.


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