King’s Quest: A Knight to Remember review

Sierra.Adventure.Nostalgia.This does bring some memories from the past.Altough memories are usually from the past,arent they.Question is,did you play King’s Quest before.Even if you didn’t you could easily start to like this game,this remake,so to say,of once very popular serie.

trailer from E3 in june 2015:

King’s Quest a Knight to Remember

Nostalgia may help attract an audience for the new series of King’s Quest games, but you don’t need to have any affection for the glory days of Sierra On-Line to appreciate the fantastic first chapter in this renewed saga. Developer The Odd Gentlemen has absolutely nailed the fairy-tale spirit of the original franchise in A Knight to Remember, the first of five planned chapters. This is more than just a walk down memory lane.

Just as the story mixes old &new,so does the game style,which goes from modern episodic adventures to the old style adventures that forces player to do a lot of exploring.Both design styles are well represented here, too, with neither being short-changed.So while there are a lot of button-mashing action sequences (the game is equally at home with a gamepad or a keyboard-and-mouse control setup), the majority of play focuses on gathering items, carefully examining the scenery, talking to anyone and everyone, and completing many deeply traditional adventure-game quests.

This means that A Knight to Remember really does offer the best of both worlds. I thought the game hit a nearly perfect balance between arcade action with button-pressing brawls and wandering around trying to solve various puzzles to bypass obstacles and move the plot forward. Nothing here was particularly easy. This isn’t a Telltale-styled episode where you can breeze through it over a (admittedly long) lunch break. Player will spent a some good number of hours here, having an extremely tough time with both some of the arcade challenges (the rope fight with Sir Cumference toward the end of the game drove me insane, and the closing chess duel wasn’t much easier,either) and the puzzles (which at times lived up to the infamous Sierra reputation for inscrutability).

Is this surfing the waves or jumping over the rocks

For all of its newness, the game is actually a little too traditional at times. Some of the problems require leaps in logic, and the overall organization of the final section of the game leaves something to be desired due to a lack of structure. After following a pretty linear path through the opening couple of hours, the game then opens up to a fairly huge area loaded with clues and objects and screens to explore. As a result, I felt somewhat lost, especially given that there were few if any suggestions as to which order I should have been taking to deal with all of these options.

Lighthearted sense of humor is kept and maintained through the game.Even the villains are not as bad as they are more of misunderstood buffoons.

Visuals and sound build this atmosphere even farther.

Engine used in the game is Unreal 3.

You’ve got talent

There should be five chapters and epilogue.

This chapter got mostly good reviews.Aggregating review websitesGameRankings and Metacritic gave the Microsoft Windows version 82.33% based on 9 reviews and 80/100 based on 11 reviews,the PlayStation 4 version 80.38% based on 8 reviews and 78/100 based on 10 reviews and the Xbox One version 79.55% based on 11 reviews and 79/100 based on 17 reviews.

Even though A Knight to Remember is not the King’s Quest of yesterday, this first episode in a new franchise ensures that the heart of the original series will live on for the current generation of adventure gamers. Bring on the new exploits of King Graham.


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