Guardians of Victoria

Guardians of Victoria is a running game with multiple twists, taking conventional running gameplay and creating something unique! Testing your reactions, planning, and timing in an action-packed multi-tasking race to the end without being caught by Jack the Ripper.



The game is set for release in July 2015. However if the we achieve some big stretch goals (!) We predict the game to be released some time later. The game will initially be released on PC,, but should we raise enough on Kickstarter, the game will be on Android and IOS too!

Play as the Guardians as they fight their way through the Steampunk city in the clouds, collecting items and defeating the allies of the ever-chasing destroyer- Jack the Ripper. You must stop him!

Free-Roaming: Unlike most running games you can actually stop, run left, and climb, allowing you to explore the environment a bit more. Not recommended on the hardest difficulty!

Racing against a chaser: To keep you moving along and fighting tooth and nail, The Ripper chases you followed by a conjured giant cloud. You can use players abilities to mess with his speed and get a little boost away. The higher the difficulty- the faster he moves.

Using mechanics: To keep you in the sky, help you reach items you can’t jump to, and allow you to progress, you must turn off gas leaks, control crane platforms, and turn cogs!
Multi-characters: Explained more below, you can switch between 3 different characters in every level- Brella, Cutlass, and Firearm- members of the Guardians. At the touch of a button the following robot friend- Zeal, can summon and remove characters- each with their own combat style, platforming ability, and special power.

Special abilities: Utilise each characters abilities by collecting the fireflies for their dust around the city, for slowing down time, beefing up combat and more.

Tactical fast combat: Switch between a sky-pirate’s sword, a pistol, and an umbrella to take down turret and enemies. Face Ripper’s Henchmen in their traditional crook outfits, from beef-cakes to scrawny pick-pockets, and his hijacked city police robots.

Multiple replayable levels: Platform your way across 9 levels including the ‘Sea of Lights’, ‘The Factory’, and ‘The Rooftops’. Each level features 3 different difficulty star ratings and a timer/points system!

Collect the items- defeat Ripper: Every level has cogs hidden about. Collect all the cogs and build the machine in the menu, that will contain Ripper once and for all! Squeeze in time between running to look for them, even if it means breaking a few windows.

Indoor running: Forget traditional rooftop running! Run indoors too! Every floating building can be entered! Jump in via chimneys or tunnels, or use Firearm’s robotic kick to burst through walls and windows, and find the secrets within each one! You can play a level 20 times and still not find that cog in the bedroom of the tenth building.

Steam bonuses: Steam users can also collect achievements and trading cards.

Thank you to EVERYONE who upvotes us! If you are unsure just come back in a few weeks. This game is ever-improving as I work on it all day, every day.

You can follow more updates on our facebook pages:
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