Six games sold over 1 million copies on Steam.While Steam Spy is an “imperfect tool” by its own creator’s admission, it’s still a decent way to get broad strokes data on what’s doing well on Steam.GTA V, ARK: Survival Evolved, H1Z1, Cities: Skylines, Rocket League and Besieged have all sold over 1 million units since March 2015, the stats show.


They’re not the most newly owned games of the year – that distinction goes to Killing Floor 2, which has unreliable data thanks to a recent free weekend – but they’re the ones that have sold most and have never been given away.

When you include games that have been given away, in addition to free-to-play games, the stats are very different. Evolve, H-Hour: World’s Elite and Trove are among the most ‘owned’ games, though that doesn’t necessarily mean a bunch of people play them: the mean playing time of H-Hour, for example, is just over four minutes, meaning a lot of people weren’t drawn in by first impressions.

Stranded Deep – beautifully crafted Pacific locations

The Witcher 3 might be higher but it is primarily GOG title,but,nonetheless,it’s sold more than 500.000 copies same as Dying Light or Stranded Deep.

Creator of Steam Spy website – Sergey Galyonkin recently pointed out the top six games released in 2015 on the platform thus far, and while the results aren’t all that surprising, it’s nice to have suspicions corroborated by stats.

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